
Sneak Review!

Sneak Review!

If you've got a hankering for a "Road Runner" Binge-a-thon or a viewing (or two) of "Some Like It Hot," may I suggest a reading of Genesis?  It's a book filled with wacky "trickster tales" least 13 of 'em!

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Tricksters, Terrorists and Taste Buds: Thoughts on Jacob and the Current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

Tricksters, Terrorists and Taste Buds:  Thoughts on Jacob and the Current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

As Israel and Palestine have jumped into another heartbreaking round of intensified bloodshed and intractable vitriol aimed at one another, I wonder if what the Bible says about tricksters, especially in the "Jacob Cycle" of Genesis 25-33, can provide helpful insight.

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Engaging the Powers Engagingly

Engaging the Powers Engagingly

My favorite theologian, Walter Wink, most entertainingly demonstrates how Jesus taught his followers to be peacemakers, emerging God's Realm of justice, harmony and joy for all through practical, effective, and hilariously clever acts of intentional non-violence.

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Heavenly Hustle

Heavenly Hustle

As unsavory and implausible as it may seem for inclusion in a sacred text, hoodwinkery is a phenomenon prominent and playfully celebrated in our Bible.  Throughout the text, Old and New Testaments.  Even at the cross.

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