Paul’s arresting and amusing “Body of Christ” imagery in 1 Corinthians 12 inspires a similarly arresting and amusing introduction to the “DiSC” personality assessment tool. (It also gave me a great opportunity to show off some of my favorite furnishings from my home!)
Oh what liturgical dance (and other fun, outrageous stuff) Jesus’ insistence we drink his blood and gnaw on his flesh inspires for truly lively (or is it unlively?) worship!
Because Easter this year fell on April 1, there was I am sure many a preacher -- and many a sermon --exploring comic elements of this most-significant day of the Christian year and, hence, the Way of Christian Discipleship. Isn't that great?? Here was my contribution!!
The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation and the legacy of Martin Luther inspire the Comic Lens, through a comic lens, to explore some of the most confusing, objectionable and venous verses of scripture. Roll out the barrell!
When in Exodus 33 God denies Moses' request to show him His face, He offers instead to show His "backside." This not only inspired some great art by Michelangelo but can get our joke-making muscles going like nobody's business! Here's are a few "wisecracks" by yours truly....
These salt and pepper shakers, in the humble opinion of The Comic Lens, are the perfect size, the right practicality and in the perfect spirit of light-heartedness for the faithful follower who wants a replica of the Bible’s renowned Decalogue for their abode (or State Capital).
Here's what happened when Rev. "Laughing Laura" Gentry and I did our thing for a workshop at Wild Goose 2017 (a "Christian Woodstock" of sorts held in Hot Springs NC in early July). Soooo fun. Theologically relevant, too!
Time to share the list of my Top 10 Joys of 2016! This year doing this exercise was a little different. And even more important. Check mine out and make your own!
Is it possible to have fun - a lot of fun - with that long list of often unpronounceable names at the beginning of Matthew's gospel that comprise Jesus' genealogy?