Grotto Giggles. Photo by Matt Voigts, 2013
Jesus here is basically saying, "You are what you see." And if you learn to look through the comic lens -- discovering where humor, laughter and play are springing up around you as well as inside of you, you will (imho) find yourself truly light filled. Your whole body will be just as Jesus commands it to be! And you can tend your and the world's ills with surprising and powerful joy.
A great way to start seeing life through the comic lens is to remember and record what humorous, playful, laugh-inducing experiences you've recently had, witnessed and/or created.
As the year ends and everyone is devising their "Top 10" list of one thing or other, I decided to compiling a top 10 list of personal comedy moments: funny somethings I've seen on tv, devised myself, received as a share, experienced with friends, etc. It's been quite a rich and gratifying exercise recalling so much fun stuff that has truly blessed my life (and spiritually lit up my bod!) this past year. I invite you to give it a try!
To provide you an example and, out of gratitude to God, to happily share, here's my list in no particular order (and I'm sure I'm leaving several out, these are just 10 that most quickly came to mind):
1) The "Perfect Bacon Bowl." I saw the "as seen on tv"-type ad for this just before Christmas while I was working out at the gym and almost fell off my elliptical machine in laughter and awe.
2) "Alice." I attended the San Luis Obispo Arts Council costume fundraiser "Arti Gras" dressed as Alice from The Brady Bunch. I was with a group that came as characters from Alice in Wonderland. It's amazing how the Brady Alice and the Disney Alice are pretty much dressed the same.
3) Easter Worship at The Comedy Church. We started with a cocktail party a la Laugh- In, with Jesus' disciples go-go dancing and firing off several Borscht-Belt-type jokes that all began "A lady walks into the tomb...." Worship also included a theremin and peep corn.
4) "China A Go-Go." Of course that's what Chinese take-out is called in Las Vegas. It was my sister and I's first stop on our most-memorable Laverne and Shirley-esque road trip moving me from LA to my present digs in Waverly..
5) Happy Birthday, Red! For my dad's 86th birthday my brother and I had a big open house for him. I got the idea instead of baking a cake to serve red velvet cupcakes that honored his nickname (and hair color). This clever little touch made the occasion especially playful, joyful and delicious.
6) Thanksgiving. I was driving my parents 20 miles to the family gathering in Greene, initially freaking out because the spinach salad I'd made for the event, now ensconced in the trunk, was sprinkled with red onion bits whose odor was OVERWHELMING the car. I was becoming afraid my mother, off her oxygen till we arrived at our destination, would faint or something. Soon into the trip, however, the smell of fresh cow manure COMPLETELY TRUMPED the onion smell, and I suddenly (and for the rest of the trip) become a lot less worried that if something happened to asphyxiate my mom it would be my fault. Thanks be to God!!
7) Doo-Dah Parade 2013. The Annual Mock Rose Bowl parade was never more special for me to participate in than this year, when I was invited to blithely frolic with the "No Billionaire Left Behinds." I got to make my point about injustice and corruption in Washington using the power of humor and in memory of my dear friend and ministry mentor, Bob Edgar.
8) "Peterson"-themed LMN Retreat. In May, ladies were invited to come to spend the night watching Lifetime Movie Network movies about Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson (followed by study of pertinent Bible passages, natch) . The next morning we watched some sparkling episodes of The Donna Reed Show co-starring Paul Peterson. Everything about that weekend felt inspired.
9) THE BIBLE CABARET! With the loving and enthustic assistance of Rev. Sandie Richards, a "music and comedy revue starring the Old & New Testaments" got off the ground. Thanks SO much Fake Gallery! Thanks to all my pals who've come out to support the show and brought friends! Also thanks SO much to Jane Morris and her performance workshop where much of my material was developed. (In addition, going to that workshop and witnessing the work of fellow classmates provided joy that's in a class by itself.)
10) This blog!!! I've had a blast so far organizing and communicating thoughts (and visions!) about the Bible from "The Comic Lens." So looking forward to continuing the adventure, and with you.
Oh, and here's a bonus - I guess it's not from this year, but it was shared with me around Eastertime....