Kingdom of God

Go Nuts for Fruit!

Go Nuts for Fruit!

I’m not sure if Paul ever intended his description of what the Holy Spirit produces in us to be understood as playful and funny, but the Comic Lens says it’s totally okay to go nutso!   We can’t celebrate the Fruits of the Spirit too much, especially today! 

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Be Careful What You Ask For

Be Careful What You Ask For

The Church's wish to fulfill Jesus' "Great Commission" and make disciples of all nations has always more than come true.  This can, a lot of the time, make for some helpful ironic humor; for the UMC, perhaps now.

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Of Camels and Cubbies

Of Camels and Cubbies

It is soo extra-funny to take Jesus' already-funny teaching on absurd impossibilities and apply it to a Chicago Cub World Series victory!  Or at least it used to be.....

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Jesus is My Ken Doll (Sex and the Bible - A Comic Perspective Pt. 4)

Jesus is My Ken Doll  (Sex and the Bible - A Comic Perspective Pt. 4)

Sex is the one big arena (or maybe the biggest of many big arenas) where the popular question “What Would Jesus Do?” isn’t the least bit helpful.  Ever ever ever ever.  Ever.

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St. Paul Visits SCOTUS (Sex and the Bible - A Comic View, Pt. 3)

St. Paul Visits SCOTUS (Sex and the Bible - A Comic View, Pt. 3)

With everyone else once again discussing and debating "marriage" and what the Bible has to say about it, maybe it's time to consider how our #1 Apostle might weigh in (through a Comic Lens, of course....)

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Sex and the Bible - A Comic Perspective (Pt. 1!)

Sex and the Bible - A Comic Perspective (Pt. 1!)

What DOES the Good Book say about this most controversial of subjects, and is it relevant for today?  And, more importantly (right?) it funny??

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