God's call to Moses through "The Burning Bush" is usually presented as very awesome. Very grand. Very seeerious. But what if it's actually a comedy?
Read MoreExodus
Two and a Half Tribes
In the Bible, it's always the "least likely" who surprisingly shine. And that's who saves the day for the Exodus!
Read MoreExodus to Dutch Wonderland
Let's face it: anger can make fools of us all, God included.
Read MoreYes, We Have No More Manna
More awful experiences from the Exodus, now so fun to recount!
Read MoreEx-o-"d'oh!"
Like favorite stories of our own travels, the "Exodus" tells of an excursion filled with all sorts of chaos, confusion, misery, and missteps -- and that's why we can find it so funny.
Read MoreThe Snip-Snip That Saved Western Civilization
In the true spirit of Mother’s Day, The Comic Lens lifts up perhaps the most audacious peacemaking woman and mother – the most significant peacemaker you may have never heard of -- Zipporah!
Read MoreLabor Party!
May 1 is certainly an appropriate time to lift up a biblical account that is all about procreation, fertility, labor and…labor. Some thoughts on the story, and comedy, of "The Hebrew Midwives", at Exodus 1:8-22.
Read MoreMensch Madness!
In the Bible, great, entertaining competitions are not just between equally excellent teams.
Read MoreGlory Be to God on Low....
It necessarily follows that if we are going to accept the Bible as comedy, we will discover, and let ourselves embrace, a "lowered" God, at least sometimes.
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